CKAD Certification Exam Preparation Guide and Tips

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. The CNCF/Linux Foundation offers this performance-based exam which targets the developer aspect of Kubernetes skills such as deploying apps, configuring apps, rolling out the application, creating persistent volumes, etc. CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer) is designed for software developers who would like to develop and deploy their containerized applications in Kubernetes. The curriculum includes the following general domains with the associated weights: Core Concepts – 13% Configuration – 18% Multi-Container Pods – 10% Observability – 18% Pod Design – 20% Services & Networking – 13% State Persistence – 8% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- After my successful achievement of CKAD Certification, I would love to share my experience and tips to clear the exam. I have practiced a lot on kubectl com...